Directeur: Professeur Bertrand Lemennicier-Bucquet
Adresse: Université de Paris II
1 rue d'Ulm, 75005 PARIS
Téléphone: 01 44 41 89 94 (secrétariat)
Axes de recherche :
 Théorie économique du Droit
 Théorie économique des Choix Publics
 Théorie économique des Comportements Humains
 Théorie économique des Institutions internationales et Européennes
 Théorie économique des Institutions Monétaires et Bancaires

 Développé par BWM Mediasoft

Séminaire du professeur P.Duraisamy 2008

L'IRGEI de l'Université Paris II (LEP/3DI) propose une série de conférences du professeur P. Duraisamy, Dean of the Econmetric Department of the University of Madras-chennay, India

Topics for the Lectures:

1. Globalization and Economic Reforms in India

In this lecture, the compelling immediate and long term reasons for introducing economic reforms in India in 1991 and the major reforms introduced during the past two decades are discussed.

2. Winners and Losers of Economic Reforms in India

The benefits of economic reforms differ across the Indian States and among different sections of the people. Some of the Indian States have taken as an opportunity to improve their economic growth while others grow at a slower phase. Based on the data from 14 major Indian States for over a period of 30 years, the impacts of economic reforms on economic growth and income inequality are examined.

3. Economic Growth and Poverty in India

The poverty levels and changes in poverty over the years are first examined. The changes in poverty before and after economic reform are also analysed. The interrelationship between poverty and economic growth is also discussed.

4. Did Economic Growth improve Health Status in India?

India has been growth around 8 % during the past one decade. Whether the high growth has any impact on the human development, particularly on the health status of the population, in India will be examined. The trends in health status and health care in India and the impact of economic growth on health will be discussed.

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