Fiche individuelle d'un doctorant ou chercheur associé Franck Buckley, Université George Mason, Virginie (1999 à 2001) Associate Dean, Foundation Professor of Law, George Mason School of Law: Executive Director, George Mason Law & Economics Center, Visiting Professor Fall 2006. George Mason Law & Economics Center, 3301 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22201-4498 Former Positions - 1999-2001, Visiting Professor, Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) - 1988-89, Visiting Olin Fellow, University of Chicago Law School - 1984-89, Associate Professor, McGill University - 1982-84, Associate, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt, Toronto, Ontario - 1977-82, Assistant Professor, McGill University - 1976-77, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Articles, Blake, Cassels & Graydon Degrees - B.A., LL.B. (McGill, 1969 and 1974) - LL.M. (Harv., 1975) Publications 1. Books - Just Exchange: A Theory of Contract (London: Routledge, 2005) - The Morality of Laughter (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, April 1, 2003), reviewed in Wall Street Journal, New Criterion, National Post, National Review, Weekly Standard, Crisis, First Things, Arts-and-Letters Daily - The Fall and Rise of Freedom of Contract (ed.) (Durham: Duke U.P., 1999) - Corporations: Principles and Policies (3d ed. with M. Gillen & R. Yalden), (Toronto: Emond-Montgomery Publishing Ltd., 1995) - Corporations: Principles and Policies (2d ed. with M.Q. Connelly), (Toronto: Emond-Montgomery Publishing Ltd., 1989) - Corporations: Cases, Texts and Materials (1st ed. with M.Q. Connelly), (Toronto: Emond-Montgomery Publishing Ltd., 1984) - Supplement to Canadian Securities Regulation with D.L. Johnston, P. Dey & D. Drinkwater) (Toronto: Butterworth Pub. Co., 1982) - Sales and Sales Financing in Canada (with M.G. Bridge) (Toronto: Carswell Publishing Co., 1981) 2. Scholarly Articles & Reviews - Review of Shake Hands with the Devil, Crisis Magazine, March 2005. - Review of I Am Charlotte Simmons, Crisis Magazine, January 2005. - Review of Father Joe, Crisis Magazine, September 2004. - Perfectionism, Supreme Court Economic Review (fall 2004) - Review of The Terry Teachout Reader, Crisis Magazine (June 2004) - Are Emotions Rational?, New Criterion (January 2004) - The Market for Laughter, in The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior (Vernon Smith & Francesco Parisi, ed.) (forthcoming University of Chicago Press, 2004) - His Secret Life, New Criterion (October 2003) - Machine Law, 6 The Green Bag 359 (2003) - Acceptable Prejudice, Crisis Magazine, July/August 2003 - Nationalism, Encyclopedia of Public Choice (2003) - A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues, Crisis Magazine, March 2003. - The Satirist of the Fall (review of Evelyn Waugh), Crisis Magazine, January 2003 - Behind the Wall (review of Philip Hambuger, Separation of Church and State), Crisis Magazine, December 2002 - An American Tragedy (the films of John Ford), Crisis Magazine, October 2002 - The Prince of This World (review of Georges Bernanos, Under Satan’s Sun) (Crisis Magazine, July 2002) - Politics and Mystique (review of Charles Peguy, Temporal and Eternal) (Crisis Magazine, May 2002) - In Praise of the Hidden (review of George Steiner, Grammars of Creation) (Crisis Magazine, March 2002) - The Debtor as Victim, 87 Cornell L. Rev. 1078 (2002) - Calling a Truce in the Marriage Wars, (2001) U. Ill. L. Rev. 561 (with Larry Ribstein) - Liberal Nationalism, 48 UCLA Law Rev. 221 (2000) - The Uneasy Case for the Flat Tax, 11 Constitutional Political Economy 295 (2000) (with Eric Rasmusen) - Culture and Liberty, 19 Quinnipiac Law Rev. 665 (2000) - Is the Ugly Duckling a Fairy Tale? The Law and Economics of Child Abuse (with Margaret F. Brinig), 1 Journal of Law and Family Relations 1 (1999) - Introduction, in F.H. Buckley (ed.), The Fall and Rise of Freedom of Contract (Duke U.P 1999) - Free Bargaining in Bankruptcy, in F.H. Buckley (ed.), The Fall and Rise of Freedom of Contract (Duke U.P 1999) - No-Fault Laws and At-Fault People, (with Margaret F. Brinig), 18 Int. Rev. Law & Econ. 325 (1998) - The Price of Virtue, 98 Public Choice 111 (1998) - Marriage and Homosexuals, in AIt Takes Two: The Family in Law and Finance@ (Douglas W. Allen & John Richards eds.) (Toronto: C.D. Howe, 1999) - The Philosophy of Immigration, 94 Public Choice 423 (1998) - The Bankruptcy Puzzle (with Margaret F. Brinig), 27 J. Legal Stud. 187 (1998) - Joint Custody: Monitoring and Bonding Theories (with Margaret F. Brinig), 73 Ind. L.J. 393 (1998) - The Market for Migrants, in J. Bhandari & A. Sykes (ed.), Economic Dimensions in International Law: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives 405 Cambridge U.P. (1997) - The Canadian Keiretsu, 9 J. App. Corp. Fin. 46 (1997) - Welfare Magnets: The Race for the Top (with Margaret F. Brinig), 5 Sup. Ct. Econ. Rev. 141 (1997) - The Political Economy of Immigration Policies, 16 Int. Rev. Law & Econ. 81 (1996) - The Market for Deadbeats (with Margaret F. Brinig), 25 J. Legal Stud. 201 (1996) - After Virtue, Law, in Digby Anderson (ed.), This Will Hurt: The Restoration of Virtue and Civic Order 13 (National Review Books 1995) - The American Fresh Start, 4 So. Cal. Interdisciplinary L.J. 67 (1995) - The American Stay, 3 So. Cal. Interdisciplinary L.J. 733 (1994) - The Canadian Private Receivership, in J. Ziegel (ed.), Current Developments in International and Comparative Corporate Insolvency Law 473, Oxford U.P. (1994) - A Corporate Governance Theory of Repossessory Rights, 23 Can. Bus. L.J. 96 (1994). - The Revival of Sociological Jurisprudence, 22 J. of Socio-Economics 187 (1993) - The Termination Decision, 61 U.M.K.C. L. Rev. 243 (1992) - The Divestiture Decision, 16 J. Corp. Law 805 (1992) - Three Theories of Substantive Fairness, 19 Hofstra L. Rev. 33 (1991) - When the Medium is the Message: Corporate Buybacks as Signals, 65 Indiana L.J. 493-547 (1990) - Paradox Lost, 72 Minnesota Law Review 775-827 (1988) - The Bankruptcy Priority Puzzle, 72 Virginia Law Review 1393-1470 (1986) - Small Issuers Under The Ontario Securities Act, 1978: A Plea for Exemptions, 29 University of Toronto Law Journal 309-65 (1979) - How To Do Things with Inside Information, 2 Can. Bus. L.J. 343-63 (1978) - Ratification and the Derivative Action Under the Ontario Business Corporations Act, 22 McGill Law Journal 167-202 (1976)
Théorie économique du Droit
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